Curated list of awesome lists
Awesome choo
choo is a 4kb
framework for creating
sturdy frontend applications
Official resources
is a modular framework. These are the dependencies it glues together
under the hood:
bel - Create composable DOM elements using
template strings.
hyperx - Convert template strings to
library backends.
nanomorph - Hyper fast diffing algorithm for real DOM nodes.
nanoraf - Only call RAF when needed.
nanorouter - Smol frontend router.
nanobus - Tiny message bus.
nanolocation - Small window.location library.
nanohref - Tiny href click handler library.
nanoquery - Tiny querystring module.
nanotiming - Small timing library.
Plugins and addons
CLI Templates
Templates for choo-cli
Other CLI templates
:movie_camera: : videos
:computer: : tutorials
:book: : articles
Projects using choo
boxcar - A choo-based grid/spreadsheet editor.
choo-sortable - Building sortable code with choo.
hacker-choo - Hacker Typer clone written in choo.
footprint-rechoo - A choo rewrite of footprint-review.
minidocs – A documentation site generator built with choo.
dataface - Desktop application to manage databases.
BlankUp - Multiplatform markdown editor.
hackernews-choo - A Hacker News reader built with choo.
tic-tac-choo - Progressive tic tac toe game, made with choo.
enviar - Chat interface for SMS / text messages.
kaktus - A new minimalistic web browser, built on
and IndexedDB.
- - Website for CiviCDR.
nekocafe - Web chat room :cat: :speech_balloon:.
Robotopia - Introducing kids to coding with tiny virtual robots!
busca - A small web-extension to search the current tab on reddit.
choo-ban - Simple kanban to manage board tasks, built with
boowa - A fun blog generator, built with
hyperamp - Humble music player.

To the extent possible under law, Yerko Palma has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to this work.