Curated list of awesome lists
Awesome Linguistics Resources for Spanish 
Curated list of Linguistic Resources for doing Spanish NLP & CL.
Part of Speech Taggers (POS Taggers)
Multiword Expressions Extractors (MLWE)
Name Entity Recognition (NER)
Shared tasks
Multilingual Aligned Annotated Corpus (CRATER)
UAM Treebank - 1,500 syntactically annotated sentences extracted from newspapers (El País Digital and Compra Maestra
POSTagged/syntactic dependencies - European Corpus Initiative Multilingual Corpus I
The Corpus of Contemporary Spanish(POStags, lemmas)
Lemmas Dictionary
esTenten Spanish (POSTagged)
Europarl Corpus (Parallel Corpus English-Spanish)
Colombian Political Speeches
South American Slang Expressions/MTWE
Syntax and Semantic Annotations (Subset Ancora Corpus)
Plurilingual Specific Corpus on Economics, Medicine, Computer Science
Copenhagen Treebank (Dependency Parsing)
Reuters Corpora RCV2 - New Corpora
MolinoLabs Corpus - News Corpora from Spain, Argentina and Mexico
PANACEA- Legislation Corpus
PANACEA- Legislation Ngram Corpus
PANACEA- Dependency Parsed Corpus
PANACEA- Monolingual Lexica (MWE, Frames, Semantic Classes)
Opinion Mining - User reviews on Cars, Hotels, Washing machines, Books, Cell phones, Music..
Cross Lingual Textual Entailment (CLTE) Corpus (English-Spanish)
Ngram Frequencies out of Colombia News Corpora
Sagan Textual Entailment Test Suite
Garcia, Marcos and Pablo Gamallo, 2013 - Portuguese and Spanish biographical relation extraction corpora (Garcia, Marcos and Pablo Gamallo, 2013. Exploring the Effectiveness of Linguistic Knowledge for Biographical Relation Extraction. Natural Language Engineering, CJO2013. doi:10.1017/S1351324913000314.)
Garcia, Marcos and Pablo Gamallo, 2014 - Portuguese, Spanish and Galician coreference corpora (Garcia, Marcos and Pablo Gamallo, 2014. Multilingual corpora with coreferential annotation of person entities. In Proceedings of the 9th edition of the Language Resources and Evaluation Conference (LREC 2014), Reykjavik: 3229-3233.)
COW(Corpora From the Web) Ngram/Annotated People's Name Corpora
Wikicorpus- Portion of 2006's wikipedia annotated with WordNet Synsets and POS
Spanish Billion Words Corpus with word2vec Embeddings
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To the extent possible under law, David Przybilla has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to this work.