Curated list of awesome lists
:sparkles: A curated list of awesome articles, websites and resources about mental health in the software industry. :sparkles:
Mental health is a level of psychological well-being or an absence of mental illness. It's the psychological state of someone who is functioning at a satisfactory level of emotional and behavioural adjustment.
It includes subjective well-being, perceived self-efficacy, autonomy, competence, inter-generational dependence, and self-actualization of one's intellectual and emotional potential, among others.
This list compiles several self-help resources we've personally found useful for a range of mental health problems, but in no way are they a replacement of professional help, psychotherapy or pharmacotherapy. We're not experts, and even if we were, most of these tools are meant as an aid to therapy, not as a substitute.
If you're in a crisis, please see here, or here for resources in your country.
Applications to help with dealing with anxiety, depression or other mental health problems.
Moodpath - Interactive, app-based screening, created to recognize symptoms of depression.
Nyxo – Open source sleep tracking and sleep coaching app for iOS and Android.
Sanvello - Daily tools for stress, anxiety, and depression alongside a supportive community. Based on cognitive behavioral therapy & mindfulness meditation.
Quirk - A GPL Licensed Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) app for iOS and Android.
Three Good Things - Write down three good things in your life every morning.
Wake Up Time - Calculates optimal times to wake up based on your body's sleep cycles.
we are - A collection of mental health and wellness apps, plus resources.
Wrabit - Build a daily writing habit while contributing to mental health research.
Articles, posts and papers on mental health in technology.
A Programmers Guide To Stress - By Daragh Byrne.
Are You More Than Okay: The State Of Mental Health In Tech In 2016 - By Julia Nguyen.
Beating Burnout: A Guide For Supporting Mental Health At Work - By Almanac Core.
Coding, Fast And Slow: Developers And The Psychology Of Overconfidence - By Dan Milstein.
Depression At Work Is Skyrocketing, But It Doesn't Have To Be Your New Normal - By Bev Campling.
Developer Depression: Isolation Is The Biggest Problem - By Lauren Maffeo.
Developers: How to Overcome Imposter Syndrome - By Abhishek Pillai.
Do Not Disturb - By Joe Bell.
Encouraging Wellness in a Remote Workpalce - By Desi Rottman.
For The Developers With Anxiety, And Everyone Else - By Daine Mawer.
How I Beat Impostor Syndrome And Stopped Feeling Like A Fake - By Daragh Byrne.
How I Conquered Anxiety And Learned To LOVE Coding - By Joyce Akiko.
How I Fought Through Anxiety And Depression To Finish freeCodeCamp's Front End Dev Program - By Emily Aamodt.
How To Keep Your Mental Health In Check When You Work From Home - By WeWorkRemotely.
How To Move Your Organization From Fear To Fearlessness - By Gustavo Razzetti.
How To Prevent Or Recover From Developer Burnout - By Anastasia.
Hunting For A Web Developer Job... With Crushing Anxiety And No Self-Esteem - By James Lave.
I Can't Do It All: My Burnout Story - By Molly Struve.
Intro To Meditation For Coders - By Abe Dolinger.
It's Okay To Not Be Okay - By Andrew Montagne.
It's Time To Talk About Mental Health In The Games Industry - By Rich Eddy.
It's Time To Talk About Mental Illness In Indie Development - By Jessica Conditt.
Mental Self Care For Software Developers And Web Designers - By B.J. Keeton.
Mental Illness In The Web Industry - By Brandon Gregory.
My Mental Health Toolbelt - By Taylor Otwell.
On Dealing With Anxiety And Depression As A Developer - By Michael Scott Hertzberg.
Overcoming Public Speaking Anxiety Of Software Engineers Using Virtual Reality Exposure Therapy - By Merve Denizci Nazligul, Murat Yilmaz, Ulas Gulec, Mert Ali Gozcu, Rory V. O'Connor & Paul Clarke.
Perfectionism, Anxiety And Learning To Be Kind To Yourself - By Jo Franchetti.
Programmer Imposter Syndrome: 6 Ways To Get Over Yours - By Ethan Urie.
Recovering From Burnout - By Kieran Tie.
Software Developer Careers Considered Harmful - By Christian Grobmeier.
Sorry, Not Sorry - How To Advocate For Your Mental Health At Work - By Jessica DiVento.
Taming Anxiety And Hacking Your Way Into Productivity - By André Pena.
The Programmer’s Great Clinical Depression - By Jason Lowenthal.
Tips For Dealing With Developer Stress - By Rich McLaughlin.
Tips To Maintain Your Mental Health As A Software Developer - By Steven To.
We Need To Talk About Developers And Depression - By Greg Baugues.
What Happens When Software Developers Are (un)Happy - By Daniel Graziotin, Fabian Fagerholm, Xiaofeng Wang & Pekka Abrahamssone.
What It's Like Being A Developer With Schizoaffective Disorder - By Fris.
What Most Remote Companies Don't Tell You About Remote Work - By Amir Salihefendic.
Why Burnout Is Dangerous And How You Can Recover From It (It's Possible) - By Theodora S. Abigail.
Why Do Software Developers Suffer From Imposter Syndrome? - By Muhammed Rajeef M K.
Books that has mental health and self-care as the main theme.
Conferences spreading the word of the importance of mental health awareness and self-care in the software industry.
Computing And Mental Health - Bringing together communities.
Anxiety Tech - Learn how to advocate for mental health at work, how technology can be better designed to support mental health, what technologies are already working to help those who suffer with mental illnesses, and how you or your company can be leaders in this field.
Meetup groups all around the world focusing on mental health in the software industry.
Organizations bringing mental health awareness to the software industry.
Black Minds Matter - A non-profit organisation that aims to empower communities of Black people aged 13- 25, and wants to make more equal and just society for all.
Black Therapists Rock - Black Therapists Rock (BTR) is an organization committed to increasing awareness of social and psychological challenges impacting vulnerable communities.
The Black, African, and Asian Therapy Network - The UK’s largest independent organisation to specialise in working psychologically, informed by an understanding of intersectionality, with people who identify as Black, African, South Asian and Caribbean.
Brown Sisters Speak - Mental Health Peer Support & Advocacy for Women Of Color.
Compassionate Coding - Compassionate Coding combines the effective practices of agile software development with a focus on empathy and the latest in positive organizational psychology.
Everybody Has A Brain - Everybody Has A Brain is about creating opportunities for dialogue around personal mental health.
Hack Mental Health - The intersection of mental health and technology.
IfMe - Community for mental health experiences that encourages people to share their personal stories with trusted allies.
Mental Health Hackers - An Organization that aims at providing support services to those who may be susceptible to related mental health issues such as anxiety, depression, social isolation, eating disorders, etc.
Mental Health Knowledge Base - GitHub-based project and website that encourages a diversity of views regarding mental health.
MHPrompt - Let's start a conversation about mental health in tech.
OSMI - Open Sourcing Mental Illness is a non-profit, corporation dedicated to raising awareness, educating, and providing resources to support mental wellness in the tech and open source communities.
SelfCare.Tech - A repository of self-care resources for developers & others.
Podcast episodes with «mental health awareness in the software industry» as the main theme.
Talks and presentations about mental health awareness and other testimonies and experiences in the software industry.

Please see CONTRIBUTING for more details on how to suggest awesome resources or other modifications to the list. You can also find an alphabetically-ordered list of contributors of this repository here.
All contributors are expected to adhere to the Code of Conduct of the project. (Contributor Covenant)
This project was started by dreamingechoes.