Curated list of awesome lists
Awesome Erlang

A curated list of amazingly awesome Erlang libraries, resources and shiny thing inspired by awesome-elixir.
Package Management
Libraries and tools for package and dependency management.
- - A package manager for the Erlang ecosystem.
Release Management
Libraries and tools for release management.
relx - A release assembler for Erlang.
Configuration Management
Libraries and tools related to configuration management.
stillir - Cache environment variables as Erlang app variables.
Codebase Maintenance
Libraries and tools to maintain a clean codebase.
elvis - Erlang Style Reviewer.
Web Frameworks
Web development frameworks.
Axiom - A micro-framework, inspired by Ruby's Sinatra.
ChicagoBoss - A server framework inspired by Rails and written in Erlang.
cowboy - A simple HTTP server.
Giallo - A small and flexible web framework on top of Cowboy.
MochiWeb - An Erlang library for building lightweight HTTP servers.
N2O - WebSocket Application Server.
Nitrogen - Framework to build web applications (including front-end) in pure Erlang.
Zotonic - High speed, real-time web framework and content management system.
Web Framework Components
Standalone component from web development frameworks.
cb_admin - An admin interface for Chicago Boss.
cb_websocket_controller - A template for implementing a Websocket controller for ChicagoBoss.
giallo_session - A session management library for the Giallo web framework.
simple_bridge - An abstraction layer providing a unified interface to popular Erlang web servers (Cowboy, Inets, Mochiweb, Webmachine, and Yaws).
Libraries for working with HTTP and scraping websites.
bullet - Simple, reliable, efficient streaming for Cowboy.
gun - Erlang HTTP client with support for HTTP/1.1, SPDY and Websocket.
hackney - Simple HTTP client in Erlang.
ibrowse - Erlang HTTP client.
lhttpc - A lightweight HTTP/1.1 client implemented in Erlang.
shotgun - For the times you need more than just a gun.
Libraries for testing codebases and generating test data.
PropEr - A QuickCheck-inspired property-based testing tool for Erlang.
tracerl - Dynamic tracing tests and utilities for Erlang/OTP
Libraries for generating and working with log files.
Libraries for gathering metrics and monitoring.
entop - A top-like Erlang node monitoring tool.
eper - A loose collection of Erlang Performance related tools.
Exometer - An Erlang instrumentation package.
folsom - An Erlang based metrics system inspired by Coda Hale's metrics.
statsderl - A statsd Erlang client.
vmstats - Tiny Erlang app that works in conjunction with statsderl in order to generate information on the Erlang VM for graphite logs.
Libraries and tools related to deployment of Erlang/OTP applications.
Distributed Systems
Tools for stress/load testing, latency issues, etc. across microservices.
Typhoon - Stress and load testing tool for distributed systems that simulates traffic from a test cluster toward a system-under-test (SUT) and visualizes related latencies.
Code Analysis
Libraries and tools for analysing, parsing and manipulation codebases.
Concuerror - Concuerror is a systematic testing tool for concurrent Erlang programs.
eflame - A Flame Graph profiler for Erlang.
geas - Geas is a tool that will detect the runnable official Erlang release window for your project, including its dependencies and provides many useful informations.
Project build and automation tools.
rebar - Erlang build tool that makes it easy to compile and test Erlang applications, port drivers and releases.
rebar3 - A build tool for Erlang which can manage Erlang packages from See more at
sync - On-the-fly recompiling for Erlang.
Libraries for geocoding addresses and working with latitudes and longitudes.
erl-rstar - An Erlang implementation of the R*-tree spacial data structure.
GeoCouch - A spatial extension for Couchbase and Apache CouchDB.
Teles - An Erlang network service for manipulating geographic data.
Libraries and tools for debugging code and applications.
tx - An HTML Erlang term viewer, starts own webserver and displays any term you give it from your Erlang node.
Libraries and tools for working with actors and such.
poolboy - A hunky Erlang worker pool factory.
Date and Time
Libraries for working with dates and times.
erlang_localtime - Erlang library for conversion from one local time to another.
qdate - Erlang date, time, and timezone management: formatting, conversion, and date arithmetic.
ORM and Datamapping
Libraries that implement object-relational mapping or datamapping techniques.
boss_db - A sharded, caching, pooling, evented ORM for Erlang.
epgsql - PostgreSQL Driver for Erlang.
mysql-otp - MySQL/OTP – MySQL driver for Erlang/OTP.
pgsql_migration – PostgreSQL migrations for Erlang.
Libraries for working with event and task queues.
dq - Distributed Fault Tolerant Queue library.
ebqueue - Tiny simple blocking queue in erlang.
pqueue - Erlang Priority Queues.
tinymq - A diminutive, in-memory message queue for Erlang.
Libraries for implementing authentications schemes.
oauth2 - Erlang Oauth2 implementation.
Text and Numbers
Libraries for parsing and manipulating text and numbers.
ejsv - Erlang JSON schema validator.
eql - Erlang with SQL or not.
jiffy - JSON NIFs for Erlang.
jsx - An erlang application for consuming, producing and manipulating json.
miffy - Jiffy wrapper which returns pretty maps.
qsp - Enhanced query string parser for Erlang.
rec2json - Generate JSON encoder/decoder from record specs.
Libraries and web tools for developing REST-ful APIs.
leptus - Leptus is an Erlang REST framework that runs on top of cowboy.
rooster - rooster is a lightweight REST framework that runs on top of mochiweb.
Libraries for caching data.
cache - In-memory Segmented Cache
Third Party APIs
Libraries for accessing third party APIs.
Libraries and tools for using network related stuff.
barrel_tcp - barrel_tcp is a generic TCP acceptor pool with low latency in Erlang.
gen_rpc - A scalable RPC library for Erlang-VM based languages.
gen_tcp_server - A library that takes the concept of gen_server and introduces the same mechanics for operating a TCP server.
gossiperl - Language agnostic gossip middleware and message bus written in Erlang.
nat_upnp - Erlang library to map your internal port to an external using UNP IGD.
ranch - Socket acceptor pool for TCP protocols.
Internet of Things
Libraries and tools for interacting with the physical world.
GRiSP - Run the Erlang VM on an IoT board with many hardware interfaces and low-level drivers using a small realtime unikernel called RTEMS
lemma_erlang - A lemma for IDEO's Noam internet-of-things prototyping platform.
Algorithms and Datastructures
Libraries and implementations of algorithms and datastructures.
datum - A pure functional and generic programming for Erlang
erlando - A set of syntax extensions like currying and monads for Erlang.
statebox - Erlang state "monad" with merge/conflict-resolution capabilities.
riak_dt - Erlang library of state based CRDTs.
Translations and Internationalizations
Libraries providing translations or internationalizations.
Useful libraries or tools that don't fit in the categories above.
erlang-history - Hacks to add shell history to Erlang's shell.
erld - erld is a small program designed to solve the problem of running Erlang programs as a UNIX daemon.
Various resources, such as books, websites and articles, for improving your Erlang development skills and knowledge.
Useful web and Erlang-related websites and newsletters.
Erlang Bookmarks - All about erlang programming language [powerd by community].
Erlang Central - An awesome collections of erlang resource along with live community chat for discussing and seeking help.
Planet Erlang - Planet site/RSS feed of blog posts covering topics across the Erlang ecosystem.
Spawned Shelter - Erlang Spawned Shelter. A collection of the best articles, videos and presentations related to Erlang.
Fantastic books and e-books.
Web Reading
General web-development-related reading materials.
Erlang Reading
Erlang-releated reading materials.
Cool video tutorials.
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