Speech and Natural Language Processing ####################################### .. image:: https://cdn.rawgit.com/sindresorhus/awesome/d7305f38d29fed78fa85652e3a63e154dd8e8829/media/badge.svg :alt: Awesome :target: https://github.com/sindresorhus/awesome A curated list of speech and natural language processing resources. Other lists can be found in this list <https://github.com/bayandin/awesome-awesomeness>_. If you want to contribute to this list (please do), send me a pull request. All Sub-caterogires are listed in alphabetical order

Finite State Toolkits and Regular Expressions

Many of the toools in the machine translation section also implement interesting graph and semiring operations.

Language Modelling Toolkits

Speech Recognition

Signal Processing


Speech Data

Machine Translation

Machine Learning

Deep Learning

Natural Language Processing


Other Tools

