Curated list of awesome lists
Awesome KDE 
A curated list of awesome apps, extensions, modules, themes and tools for the KDE Desktop Environment.
KDE is a free software community dedicated to creating an open and user-friendly computing experience, offering an advanced graphical desktop, a wide variety of applications for communication, work, education and entertainment and a platform to easily build new applications upon.
Items marked with 📌 (pushpin) are projects hosted on KDE's own infrastructure and developed by the KDE community.
Tip: An overview of the most used KDE community apps are listed on the official website.
Internet & Networking
Akregator - Enables you to follow news sites, blogs and other RSS/Atom-enabled websites 📌.
Falkon - QtWebEngine based cross-platform web browser 📌.
Firefox KDE - Standalone web browser from with OpenSUSE patch, integrate better with KDE.
GSConnect - A complete implementation of KDE Connect especially for GNOME Shell with Nautilus, Chrome and Firefox integration.
KDE Connect - A project to communicate across all your devices: receive your phone notifications on your desktop computer, control your desktop from your phone, etc 📌.
KGet - A versatile and user-friendly download manager 📌.
KMail - KMail is the email component of Kontact, the integrated personal information manager from KDE 📌.
KNetworkManager - A KDE client for the back end NetworkManager software 📌.
Konqueror - Uses the KHTML rendering engine (and optionally Webkit) so it supports the latest web standards such as HTML5, JavaScript, CSS3, and others 📌.
Konversation - A user-friendly Internet Relay Chat (IRC) client built on the KDE Platform 📌.
KRDC - A client application that allows you to view or control a desktop session on another machine that is running a compatible server (VNC & RDP) 📌.
KTorrent - A BitTorrent application which allows you to download files using the BitTorrent protocol 📌.
Otter Browser - Otter Browser aims to recreate the best aspects of the classic Opera (12.x) UI using Qt5.
Plasma-browser-integration - A suite of new features which make Firefox, Chrome and Chromium-based browsers work with your desktop 📌.
qBittorrent - An advanced BitTorrent client programmed in C++, based on Qt toolkit and libtorrent-rasterbar.
Qt WebBrowser - Qt WebBrowser is a browser for embedded devices developed using the capabilities of Qt and Qt WebEngine.
Smb4K - Advanced Network Neighborhood Browser and Samba Share Mounting Utility 📌.
Graphics & Imaging
digiKam - Professional Photo Management with the Power of Open Source 📌.
Gwenview - A fast and easy to use image viewer by KDE 📌.
KColorChooser - A simple application to select the color from the screen or from a pallete 📌.
KolourPaint - A simple painting program to quickly create raster images. It is useful as a touch-up tool and simple image editing tasks 📌.
Krita - Painting tool designed for concept artists, illustrators, matte and texture artists, and the VFX industry 📌.
Okular - A universal document viewer 📌.
Spectacle - An application for capturing desktop screenshots 📌.
Amarok - Amarok is a powerful music player for Linux, Unix and Windows with an intuitive interface 📌.
Elisa - A music player developed by the KDE community that strives to be simple and nice to use 📌.
Haruna - Open source video player built with Qt/QML and libmpv 📌.
Kdenlive - A non-linear video editor for Linux using the MLT video framework.
KMix - A sound channel mixer and volume control 📌.
KWave - A sound editor built on the KDE Frameworks 5 📌.
SMPlayer - Media player with built-in codecs that can play virtually all video and audio formats.
VLC - A free and open source cross-platform multimedia player and framework that plays most multimedia files, and various streaming protocols.
Office & Productivity
Calligra - Includes efficient and capable office components 📌.
Kate - A multi-document, multi-view text editor by KDE 📌.
Kronometer A stopwatch application for KDE 📌.
KWrite - A text editor by KDE, based on the KDE Frameworks editor component 📌.
RSI Break - RSIBreak can be used to remind you to take a break now and then 📌.
System Administration
Discover - Intended for users and distros where the terminal isn't the optimal solution for installation of apps and add-ons or updates 📌.
Dolphin - File manager included in the KDE desktop 📌.
KDiskFree - Displays the available file devices (hard drive partitions, drives, etc.) along with information on their capacity, free space, type and mount point 📌.
KInfoCenter - A utility that provides detailed information about a computer system 📌.
Konsole - Terminal emulator included in the KDE desktop 📌.
Krusader - An advanced twin panel (commander style) file manager for KDE 📌.
KSystemLog - A system log viewer tool 📌.
Kup - A backup scheduler for KDE's Plasma desktop 📌.
Sweeper - Sweeper helps to clean unwanted traces the user leaves on the system and to regain disk space removing unused temporary files 📌.
Yakuake - A drop-down terminal emulator based on KDE's Konsole technology 📌.
Utilities & Tools
Android File Transfer - Reliable MTP client with minimalistic UI.
Ark - Archiving Tool 📌.
fancontrol-gui - GUI for fancontrol which is part of lm_sensors.
KDE Wallet Manager - Manage the passwords on KDE systems. The KDE wallet subsystem allows access and password management of every application that integrates with the KDE wallet 📌.
KeePassXC - Cross-platform community-driven port of Keepass password manager.
KFind - A standalone search tool, launched by KRunner or from your menu. It is also integrated into Konqueror as "Find File" in the "Tools" menu 📌.
KRename - A utility to rename multiple files 📌.
KWin-lowlatency - An attempt to reduce latency and stuttering in the popular KWin compositor used in KDE.
KWinFT - Wayland compositor and X11 window manager.
QtPass - A multi-platform GUI for pass.
Wacom GUI - Python/PyQt Wacom GUI for KDE.
Yin-Yang - Auto Night-mode for Linux.
Development & Programming
KDevelop - A cross-platform IDE for C, C++, Python, QML/JavaScript and PHP 📌.
Kompare - A diff/patch frontend 📌.
Okteta - Hex Editor 📌.
Qt Designer - Qt tool for designing and building graphical user interfaces (GUIs) with Qt Widgets.
Umbrello - UML Modeller is a Unified Modelling Language (UML) diagram program based on KDE Technology 📌.
KTurtle - An educational programming environment that aims to make learning how to program as easy as possible 📌.
LabPlot - Interactive graphing and analysis of scientific data 📌.
Note: Customizations quickly become outdated, it is recommended to look in the KDE Store or use Discover instead.
Plasma desktop
Bismuth - A KDE Plasma extension that lets you tile windows automatically and manage them via keyboard, just like in classical tiling window managers (i3, dwm or XMondad).
Dynamic Wallpaper Engine - A wallpaper plugin that continuously updates the desktop background based on the current time in your location.
Hoppla - KDE Plasma desktop widget to control Philips Hue lights.
Kvantum - An SVG-based theme engine for Qt4/Qt5, KDE and LXQt, with an emphasis on elegance, usability and practicality.
Latte-Dock - Latte is a dock based on Plasma frameworks that provides an elegant and intuitive experience for your tasks and plasmoids 📌.
Places Widget - Plasma 5 widget that gives access to user places.
Window AppMenu Applet - Plasma 5 applet in order to show the window appmenu.
Window Title Applet - Plasma 5 applet that shows the current window title and icon in your panels.
KCM Modules and Systems
kcm-wacomtablet - KDE GUI for the Wacom Linux Drivers 📌.
kde-gtk-config - GTK2 and GTK3 Configurator for KDE 📌.
kded_rotation - A small, hacky KDED module for handling automatic screen rotation on tablets and hybrid laptops.
Adapta KDE - A port of the popular GTK theme Adapta for Plasma 5 desktop with a few additions and extras.
Arc KDE - A port of the popular GTK theme Arc for Plasma 5 desktop with a few additions and extras.
Breath - Breath Theme for Manjaro Linux (Plasma 5).
Canta - A flat design theme for KDE Plasma desktop.
ChromeOS - A materia Design theme for KDE Plasma desktop.
Darkine KDE - Theme for KDE Plasma 5 desktop, SDDM and more.
Fluent - A Microsoft inspired fluent Design theme for the KDE Plasma desktop.
Helium - A translucent theme for Plasma 5.
Hello - A compilation of various color-schemes, themes, icons and more for the KDE Plasma desktop. It is unopinionated, putting you in charge.
Layan - A flat design theme for KDE Plasma desktop.
Materia KDE - A port of the popular GTK theme Materia for Plasma 5 desktop with a few additions and extras.
McMojave - A MacOSX Mojave like theme for KDE Plasma desktop.
Orchis - A materia Design theme for KDE Plasma desktop.
Qogir - A flat design theme for KDE Plasma desktop.
WhiteSur - A MacOS Big Sur theme for KDE Plasma.
Qt and GTK+ Applications Appearance
Akava-Kv - User oriented Kvantum theme for KDE.
breeze-gtk - A GTK Theme Built to Match KDE's Breeze 📌.
Breeze10 - A Windows 10 style windows decoration for KDE Plasma.
BreezeBlurred - A fork of KDE Breeze window decoration written in Qt C++.
BreezeEnhanced - A fork of KDE Breeze decoration with additional options.
Chrome-KDE5BreezeDark - A theme for Chrome on KDE5 when using the Breeze Dark window decoration.
KDE-Rounded-Corners - Rounds the corners of your windows.
SierraBreeze - OSX-like window decoration for KDE Plasma written in C++.
Sweet KDE - A dark and modern theme for KDE plasma.
XBoomer - XP Window Decorations for KDE Plasma.
Antu - A smooth icon theme designed for Plasma Desktop.
Candy - Sweet gradient icons.
Flatery - Icon theme for Linux in flat style.
La Capitaine - Icon pack with inspiration taken from the latest iterations of macOS and Google's Material Design.
Papirus - Material icon theme, initially based on Paper.
Tela - A flat colorful Design icon theme.
Zafiro - Minimalist icons created with the flat-desing technique, utilizing washed out colors and always accompanied by white. The priority is simplicity.
Bibata - Material Based Cursor Theme.
Capitaine - An x-cursor theme inspired by macOS and based on KDE Breeze.
Display Manager
Chili - The hottest login theme around for KDE Plasma 5.
Delicious - A delicious SDDM theme for DE collectors/addicts.
Sugar Candy - The sweetest login theme available for the SDDM display manager.
Documentation and Resources
KDE Wikis - The KDE wikis are a source of information and documentation for the KDE desktop, applications, teams, events and more 📌.
KDE Invent - Discover KDE projects, groups and snippets 📌.
KDE Bugtracker - KDE's official Bugtracker 📌.
ArchWiki - Arch Linux KDE Wiki.
Gentoo Wiki - Gentoo KDE Wiki.
KDE Configs - List of KDE configuration files and more.
Kreddit - KDE Community on Reddit.
KDE Store - Official KDE Store for developers to share Plasma customizations 📌.
Stack Overflow - Questions tagged with