Curated list of awesome lists
Awesome Fiber 
Fiber is an Express inspired web framework built on top of Fasthttp, the fastest HTTP engine for Go. Designed to ease things up for fast development with zero memory allocation and performance in mind.
A curated list of awesome Fiber middlewares, boilerplates, recipes, articles and tools.
⚙️ Middlewares
Where to discover Fiber middlewares.
🧬 Core
List of middlewares that are included within the Fiber framework.
Adaptor - Converter for net/http handlers to/from Fiber request handlers.
BasicAuth - Basic auth middleware provides an HTTP basic authentication. It calls the next handler for valid credentials and 401 Unauthorized for missing or invalid credentials.
Cache - Intercept and cache responses.
Compress - Compression middleware for Fiber, it supports
, gzip
and brotli
by default.
CORS - Enable cross-origin resource sharing (CORS) with various options.
CSRF - Protect from CSRF exploits.
Earlydata - Early data support for Fiber.
Encrypt Cookie - Encrypt middleware which encrypts cookie values.
EnvVar - Expose environment variables with providing an optional config.
ETag - ETag middleware that lets caches be more efficient and save bandwidth, as a web server does not need to resend a full response if the content has not changed.
Expvar - Expvar middleware that serves via its HTTP server runtime exposed variants in the JSON format.
Favicon - Ignore favicon from logs or serve from memory if a file path is provided.
FileSystem - FileSystem middleware for Fiber, special thanks and credits to Alireza Salary.
Helmet - Helps secure your apps by setting various HTTP headers.
Idempotency - Idempotency middleware for Fiber allows for fault-tolerant APIs where duplicate requests.
Keyauth - Key auth middleware provides a key based authentication.
Limiter - Rate-limiting middleware. Use to limit repeated requests to public APIs and/or endpoints such as password reset.
Logger - HTTP request/response logger.
Monitor - Monitor middleware that reports server metrics, inspired by express-status-monitor.
Pprof - Pprof middleware that serves via its HTTP server runtime profiling data in the format expected by the pprof visualization tool.
Proxy - Allows you to proxy requests to a multiple servers.
Recover - Recover middleware recovers from panics anywhere in the stack chain and handles the control to the centralized ErrorHandler.
Redirect - Redirect middleware for Fiber.
RequestID - Adds a requestid to every request.
Rewrite - Rewrite middleware rewrites the URL path based on provided rules. It can be helpful for backward compatibility or just creating cleaner and more descriptive links.
Session - Session middleware. NOTE: This middleware uses our Storage package.
Skip - Skip middleware that skips a wrapped handler is a predicate is true.
Timeout - Adds a max time for a request and forwards to ErrorHandler if it is exceeded.
🔗 External
List of externally hosted middleware modules and maintained by the Fiber team.
storage - Premade storage drivers that implement the Storage interface, designed to be used with various Fiber middlewares.
template - This package contains 8 template engines that can be used with Fiber v1.10.x Go version 1.13 or higher is required.
💻 Contrib
List of third party middlewares and maintained by the Fiber team and community.
casbin - Casbin middleware for Fiber.
fiberi18n - Middleware for i18n support in Fiber.
fibernewrelic - NewRelic middleware for Fiber. The middleware handles NewRelic insturmentation.
fibersentry - Sentry support for Fiber.
fiberzap - Zap logging support for Fiber.
jwt - JWT returns a JSON Web Token (JWT) auth middleware.
opafiber - Open Policy Agent middleware for Fiber. The middleware handles running Rego policies.
otelfiber - OpenTelemetry support for Fiber.
paseto - PASETO returns a Web Token (PASETO) auth middleware.
swagger - Swagger middleware for Fiber. The middleware handles Swagger UI.
websocket - Based on Fasthttp WebSocket for Fiber with Locals support!
🌱 Third Party
List of middlewares that are created by the Fiber community.
🚧 Boilerplates
Premade boilerplates for Fiber.
📁 Recipes
Recipes for Fiber.
🛠️ Tools
Several tools to make Fiber usage easier.
go-dawn/dawn - Dawn is an opinionated web framework that provides rapid development capabilities which on top of Fiber.
tompston/gomakeme - Generate boilerplate + endpoints for Fiber or Gin REST APIs.
ryanbekhen/feserve - Feserve is a lightweight application or docker image to serve frontend and load balancer applications.
deepmap/oapi-codegen - Generate Go client and server boilerplate from OpenAPI 3 specifications.
📖 Articles
Articles about Fiber written by the community.
Working with middlewares and boilerplates
Testing the application
Delving into built-in functions
Go Fiber by Examples: How can the Fiber Web Framework be useful?
Build a RESTful API on Go: Fiber, PostgreSQL, JWT and Swagger docs in isolated Docker containers
Getting started with Fiber
Building an Express-style API in Go with Fiber
Fiber v1.9.6 How to improve performance by 817% and stay fast, flexible and friendly?
Create a travel list app with Go, Fiber, Angular, MongoDB and Google Cloud Secret Manager
Building a Basic REST API in Go using Fiber
Creating Fast APIs In Go Using Fiber
Is switching from Express to Fiber worth it?
Fiber v1.8. What's new, updated and re-thinked?
Fiber released v1.7! What's new and is it still fast, flexible and friendly?
Welcome to Fiber — an Express.js styled web framework written in Go with ❤️
Blazing Fast Unit Tests - Fiber/fasthttp/http Internals
Building Microservices in Go : Part 1 - Project Setup, Dockerization
Building Microservices in Go : Part 2 - Live Reload
Building Microservices in Go : Part 3 - Database, Models, Migrations
Build a REST API from scratch with Go, Docker & Postgres
Build a fullstack app with Go Fiber, Docker, and Postgres
Create a CRUD app with Go Fiber, docker, and Postgres
📺 Videos
Video tutorials created by the community about Fiber.
🤖 Benchmarks
Several benchmarks to compare Fiber with other frameworks.
TechEmpower - Project provides performance measures across a wide field of web application frameworks.
web-frameworks-benchmark - Project aims to measure the differences between the various programming language frameworks.
go-web-framework-benchmark - This benchmark suite aims to compare the performance of Go web frameworks.
👍 Contributing
Contribution guidelines can be found on