Curated list of awesome lists
Awesome Food 

A curated list of food-related projects on GitHub
is-vegan - Is-Vegan helps you to find out which food ingredients are vegan / non-vegan.
FoodTrucks - San Francisco's finger-licking street food now at your fingertips.
Growstuff - Open data project for small-scale food growers.
myfood-app - Smart Greenhouse Management.
dominosjp - Domino's Pizza Japan CLI.
pizzadash - This is a Node.js application that "hacks" your Amazon Dash Button to order you a Domino's pizza.
fetch-my-whopper - Node app to claim your free whopper at Burger King.
fetch-my-cookie - Node app to claim your free cookie at Subway.
whoffer - React Native OCR app to claim free cookie at Subway.
Food-Recipe-CNN - DeepChef : Classification of Cooking Dishes with Machine Learning.
TooManyChefs - A text-based cooperative cooking game.
Auto-Soylent - Automatic Soylent recipe generator.
Genetic-Soylent - This project generates soylent recipes based on genetic algorithms.
hasgluten - Quick and Accurate Gluten-Free Foods List.
diy-proofing-box - Build your own DIY proofing box for sourdough, yoghurt and pizza. Featuring a raspberry pi and night vision.
Mealie - Mealie is a self hosted recipe manager and meal planner.
RasPiBrew - Raspberry Pi Temperature Controller for homebrewing and sous vide cooking .
API for Food services
node-deliveroo - Unofficial Node API for Deliveroo.
tacofancy-api - An API for the repo Tacofancy.
Spoonacular -
Spoonacular offers its food parsing, matching, and searching technology for businesses and developers to create outstanding applications.
Edamam - API developer portal for Nutrition Analysis, Food Database Lookup, Recipe Search API and others.
RecipePuppy - This api lets you search through recipe puppy database of over a million recipes by keyword and/or by search query.
node-ubereats - A work in progress API for Uber Eats.
node-simplefeast - An API Wrapper for the app Simple Feast.
Only available for French market
Sport nutrition
fitness - Some of @jamesflorentino mumbo jumbo about training and nutrition. Take them with a grain of salt.
affordable-whey - Can be used to calculate out of a few available Whey proteins. which one is most affordable in terms of Cost per Serving. Also gives. total servings.
Things to read
The 4-hour Chef - The Simple Path to Cooking Like a Pro, Learning Anything, and Living the Good Life by Timothy Feriss
How to bake Pi - An Edible Exploration of the Mathematics of Mathematics by Eugenia Cheng
Forums and chat groups
/r/cooking - /r/Cooking is a place for the cooks of reddit and those who want to learn how to cook.
/r/GifRecipes - Recipes in an easy to follow gif format.
/r/AskCulinary - /r/AskCulinary provides expert guidance for your specific cooking problems to help people of all skill levels become better cooks, to increase understanding of cooking, and to share valuable culinary knowledge.
/r/recipes - Improve and share your cooking repertoire with recipes from reddit's community.
/r/IndianFood - Indian Food is your step by step guide to simple and delicious home cooking. From regional Indian cuisine to popular dishes from around the globe, our community's focus is to make cooking easy.
Courses and MOOCs
Italian Cuisine
Jamie Oliver - A notorious british chef, this guy has books and restaurants everywhere
Asian cuisine
Contributions welcome! Read the contribution guidelines first.

To the extent possible under law. Jérémie Zarca has waived all copyright and
related or neighboring rights to this work.