Curated list of awesome lists
Awesome Internships 
A curated list of tech internships resources ✨
The repository contains useful information for everyone who is looking for a tech internship!
Where to apply
How to write CV
CV examples
Overleaf gallery - A collection of well-structured CV. You can edit them in the OverLeaf online TeX editor.
Resumehub - Choose a company and a role and find an appropriate template.
Kickresume - A collection of awesome resumes with role and company description.
Zety CV Templates - Just pick one of 18+ CV templates, fill it out, and download in seconds.
CV analyzers
CV Compiler - They synergized NLP technology and human insight to provide you with the best tech resume enhancement service available.
Resume Worded - An online resume grader that instantly scores your resume and gives you detailed feedback on how to get more opportunities.
VMock - It delivers personalized career guidance to job seekers across the world.
Grammarly - Find grammatical errors in your CV.
Feedback on your CV
/r/cscareerquestions - A subreddit where people create advice threads to get any feedback.
CS Career Hackers - A discord channel for tech internships and jobs discussion.
TopCV - Get detailed feedback from experts.
Where to get an employee referral
Repher - Create a referral request for no more than 8 companies.
Refsy - Sign up to join the engineering community as a job seeker or referrer.
LeetCode - Practice your coding skills by solving more than 800+ questions.
HackerRank - Companies host coding challenges there.
Pramp - Practice mock interviews with friends and professionals.