Curated list of awesome lists
A collection of awesome resources about public speaking. Please read the contributing guideline if you wish to contribute.
Blog Posts
List of Call of Paper sites and services.
Callback Women - Sharing CFPs via Twitter.
PaperCall - Place to manage your talks and submissions.
IT CFP List - List of IT conferences Call For Papers, changes are also published via Twitter @ItCfpList.
- - Curated list of tech events and open CFPs. Friendly community and speaker support champions. Community-driven.
Codementor Events - Curated listed of tech events and year-round developer-centered virtuao events.
Toastmasters - An international non-profit educational organizations that facilitates the creation and growth of clubs around the world. The goal of the clubs is to improve the leadership and public speaking skills of members.
Awesome - A collection of awesome things curated by Sindre Sorhus
Awesome Community - A collection of awesome communities curated by Peter Kokot
Public Speaking - A collection of resources on presenting at technical conferences by VM Brasseur
- - Tips for preparing your talk and get ready to deliver it
awesome-talks - a collection of awesome tech talks
We Are All Awesome! - a collection of interesting posts about speaking, preparing, motivation, etc
HelpMeAbstract - Get feedback from veteran speakers before you submit your talk.
Irongeek - A collection of information security talks.
Words to Time - Calculates how long a speech will take to present based on the number of words.