Curated list of awesome lists
Awesome TinkerPop 

A curated list of only awesome TinkerPop libraries on Github.
Apache TinkerPop™ is a graph computing framework for both graph databases (OLTP) and graph analytic systems (OLAP).
Table of Contents
<A NAME="tinkerpop3"></A>TinkerPop3 Libraries
<A NAME="tinkerpop3-implementations"></A>Implementations
TinkerPop3 implementation - Mirror of Apache TinkerPop.
sqlg - Sqlg is a implementation of TinkerPop3 on a RDBMS.
blazegraph - TinkerPop3 implementation for Blaze Graph; a high performance graph database.
tinkergraph-js - A pure JavaScript implementation of TinkerPop's TinkerGraph in-memory graph database.
gremlin-javascript - JavaScript graph database client for TinkerPop3 Gremlin Server.
Elastic Gremlin - TinkerPop3 implementation on Elasticsearch backend.
Hadoop (Giraph) - OLAP graph processor using Giraph.
Hadoop (Spark) - OLAP graph processor using Spark.
IBM Graph - OLTP graph database as a service.
Neo4j - OLTP graph database.
Stardog - RDF graph database with OLTP and OLAP support.
TinkerGraph - In-memory OLTP and OLAP reference implementation.
Unipop - OLTP Elasticsearch and JDBC backed graph.
DuctileDB - Ductile DB is a graph database based on Hadoop/HBase which provides a vast set of features.
hgraphdb - HBase as a TinkerPop Graph Database.
JanusGraph - JanusGraph: an open-source, distributed graph database
JanusGraph for DynamoDB (Amazon) - The Amazon DynamoDB storage backend for JanusGraph.
orientdb-gremlin - TinkerPop3 Graph Structure Implementation for OrientDB.
<A NAME="wrappers"></A>Wrappers/Clients
Teva Gremlin (.NET - C#) - A Gremlin Server driver for .NET.
ogre - Clojure library for querying TinkerPop graphs.
scalajs-gremlin-client (scala) - A Gremlin-Server client with ad-hoc extensible, reactive, typeclass based API.
go-gremlin - Go graph database client for TinkerPop3 Gremlin Server.
Gremgo - A fast, efficient, and easy-to-use Go client for the TinkerPop graph database stack.
grammes - A Go package built to communicate with Apache TinkerPop™ Graph computing framework using Gremlin.
gremlin-driver (java) - A Gremlin Server driver for Java.
neo4j-tinkerpop-api - Apache Licensed Neo4j API for TinkerPop3.
neo4j-gremlin-bolt - Allows use of the Apache Tinkerpop Java API with the neo4j server using the BOLT protocol.
Ferma - An ORM / OGM for the TinkerPop graph stack.
gremlin-php - gremlin-server php driver compatible with TinkerPop3. It will allow you to connect to gremlin-server and it's backends (Neo4J, Titan, etc.).
Mogwai - TinkerPop3 Graph Database Library for Python.
python-gremlin-rest - A REST-based client for Gremlin Server.
gremlinclient - An asynchronous Python 2/3 client for Gremlin Server that allows for flexible coroutine syntax - Trollius, Tornado, Asyncio.
aiogremlin (python) - A Python 3 library based on asyncio and aiohttp that uses websockets to communicate with the Gremlin Server.
gremlinrestclient (python) - Python 2/3 library that uses HTTP to communicate with the Gremlin Server over REST.
goblin - OGM for TinkerPop3 Gremlin Server.
goblin 3.5 - A Python 3.5 rewrite of the TinkerPop 3 OGM Goblin.
<A NAME="qlang"></A>Query Languages
gremlin-py - Write pure Python Gremlin that can be sent to Gremlin Server.
gremlin-scala - A Scala language wrapper for TinkerPop3.
gremlin-template-string - A Javascript Gremlin language builder.
ipython-gremlin - Gremlin in IPython and Jupyter.
ogre - A Clojure language wrapper for TinkerPop3.
Peapod - A new object-graph-wrapper for the Tinkerpop3 graph stack.
sparql-gremlin - A SPARQL to Gremlin traversal compiler.
sql-gremlin - A SQL to Gremlin traversal compiler.
greskell - Haskell binding for Gremlin graph query language
Cypher for Gremlin - Cypher for Gremlin adds Cypher support to any Gremlin graph database.
<A NAME="tinkerpop2"></A>TinkerPop 2 Libraries
Ferma - An ORM / OGM for the TinkerPop graph stack.
Frames - An Object to Graph Framework.
Archimedes - Clojure library for Blueprints (part of the TinkerPop graph stack).
AccumuloGraph - An implementation of TinkerPop Blueprints using Accumulo.
Frontenac - A .NET port of the TinkerPop Stack.
Mogwai - TinkerPop 2 Graph Database Library for Python.
spring-data-gremlin - Spring data gremlin makes it easier to implement Graph based repositories. This module extends Spring Data to allow support for potentially any Graph database that implements the TinkerPop Blueprints 2.x API.
blueprints-scala - TinkerPop Blueprints Scala.
<A NAME="communites"></A>Communities
<A NAME="people-to-follow"></A>People to Follow
<A NAME="tutorials-and-resources"></A>Tutorials and Resources
<A NAME="contributing"></A>How to Contribute

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<A NAME="license"></A>License

To the extent possible under law, @mohataher has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to this work.