Curated list of awesome lists
Awesome Mobile Web Development 
All that you need to create a great mobile web experience.
Contribution Guidelines
Articles and Documentation
Specifications from W3C for Enhancing Mobile Web Experience
Auditing Tools
Lighthouse - Analyzing tool for web apps and web pages.
Mobile-Friendly Test - Tool for testing that your site is mobile-friendly.
PageSpeed Insights - The tool that analyzes your page and gives recommendations for increasing downloading speed.
PageSpeed - Web server modules that optimize your site automatically.
Site Speed Checker - Compare the speed of your mobile site to others.
Test Your Mobile Speed - The tool from Google that performs comprehesive speed check of the mobile site.
Webpagetest - Website speed test from multiple locations using real browsers and at real consumer connection speeds.
Browsersync - Time-saving synchronised browser testing.
Eruda - Console for mobile web browsers.
Interact.js - Drag and drop, resizing and multi-touch gestures with inertia and snapping for modern browsers.
Fastclick - Removing of 300ms delay in old browsers.
Lozad.js - Highly performant, light and configurable lazy loader using IntersectionObserver API
React Dates - An easily internationalizable, mobile-friendly datepicker React library for the web.
Screen Sizes - A list of screen sizes of all popular smartphones.
Shiny - Shiny reflections for mobile websites.
Slideout - Standalone and lightweight navigation menu for your mobile web apps.
Swiper - The most modern mobile touch slider with hardware accelerated transitions.
Web Inspector Remote (Weinre) - Web inspector for debugging sites in non-mainstream browsers.
Web Starter Kit - A workflow for multi-device websites.
Workbox - JavaScript libraries for adding offline support to web apps.
WorkerDOM - Library to provide a full representation of the DOM inside of Web Workers.

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