Curated list of awesome lists
Awesome Serverless 
A curated list of resources about all things serverless.
Inspired by the awesome list project.
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Table of contents
Blog posts
FaaS boilerplates - Boilerplates for FaaS offerings that work in conjunction with Hasura GraphQL Engine's event triggers.
CloudCompose - An open community marketplace for serverless functions and workflows.
Mutton - A Python shim library for better AWS Lambda handlers.
Begin - Create AWS serverless apps, APIs, and sites with databases, sessions, and full CI/CD.
Operiant - Connect your event streams to actions.
TriggerMesh - Serverless cloud with a library of event triggers to enable hybrid cloud and workload portability.
Handly - A wrapper for serverless handlers to prevent silly mistakes.
Serverless boilerplate - Minimal yet super-functional Serverless boilerplate.
Firecracker - Secure and fast microVMs for serverless computing.
Cirrus - Serverless machine learning framework.
OpenFaaS - Serverless Functions Made Simple for Docker and Kubernetes.
OpenFaaS Cloud - OpenFaaS Cloud: multi-user serverless functions driven by git.
Serverless Framework Plugins
Literature / Education
Professional services