Curated list of awesome lists
Awesome Preact
A curated list of amazingly awesome things regarding Preact ecosystem :star2:
Preact is a fast 3kb React alternative with the same ES6 API. Components & Virtual DOM.
Preact CLI - Build a Preact Progressive Web App in seconds.
Vite - Fast native-ESM powered web dev build tool for Preact, Vue or React.
nwb - Quick Development with React, Inferno or Preact.
React App Rewire Preact - Use Preact with create-react-app without ejecting.
Preact CLI PostCSS - It removes the default postcss config on Preact CLI, so you can use postcss.config.js.
Create Preact App - Create Preact apps with no build configuration.
Storybook Preact - Storybook for Preact is a UI development environment for your Preact components.
Official Boilerplate - Ready-to-rock Preact starter project, powered by Webpack.
Preact Simple Starter - PWA Simple Starter with Preact, Preact-mdl and Webpack2.
Preact Offline Starter - Webpack2 boilerplate for building SPA / PWA / offline front-end apps with Preact.
TypeScript Preact Starter - Barebones starter project for Preact with TypeScript.
TypeScript PWA Preact Starter - PWA Starter with TypeScript and SASS (131kb)
Electron TypeScript Preact Boilerplate - Electron starter project with TypeScript and Preact support, powered by esbuild.
Preact Modern Startupper - PWA boilerplate with support for TypeScript, Goober, Unistore and Plop.
Preact Redux SSR Example - Server-side Rendering with Redux Example.
Preact PWA - PWA focused on raw performance, server side rendering, prerendering, redux, express, rollup.
Preact Chrome Extension - A Full Feature Preact Chrome Extension Starter Kit.
Preact Web Extension - ⚡️ WebExtension Vite Starter Template with Preact.
Preact Neutralino TypeScript Starter - Starter project for building lightweight desktop applications with Preact and neutralino.js.
Simple Deno Starter - Tiny starter template with Preact and Deno for building single page applications.
Preact Router - URL router for Preact.
Preact Route Async - A (440b gzip) route component that enables async loading of page-components.
Wouter - A tiny (1KB gzip) router for Preact/React with React Router-like API.
Redux Zero - A lightweight state container based on Redux with a single store and no reducers.
Unistore - 350b / 650b state container with component actions for Preact & React.
FPreact - Provides an alternative api for creating preact components, heavily inspired by elm.
ProppyJS - A tiny library for functional props composition
ClearX - Fast & Effortless state management for React, Preact and Inferno with zero learning curve.
Preact-urql - Use urql with Preact core + hooks.
hooked-head - Hooks to manipulate the
section of the DOM. This has a subpackage with core preact support (using preact/hooks
Teaful - Tiny (800B), easy and powerful (P)React state management.
Nano Stores - A tiny (199 bytes) state manager with many atomic tree-shakable stores.
Modular Forms - Modular, type-safe and signal based form library for Preact.
exome - Simple proxy based state manager for deeply nested states.
Testing Utils
Example Apps
React - A declarative, efficient, and flexible JavaScript library for building user interfaces.
Inferno - An extremely fast, React-like JavaScript library for building modern user interfaces.
Rax - A universal React-compatible render engine.
Contribute some ;)
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