Curated list of awesome lists
Awesome HBase 
A curated list of awesome HBase projects and resources.
HBase is a distributed, scalable, big data store.
asynchbase - Fully asynchronous, non-blocking HBase client.
gohbase - Pure Go client for HBase.
happybase - Python client for HBase.
Kite - High-level data layer for Hadoop/HBase.
HDocDB - HBase as a JSON document database.
DataNucleus - JPA persistence layer with support for HBase.
Gora - Persistence library for big data with support for HBase.
HBase ORM - A production-grade HBase ORM library.
HEntityDB - HBase as an entity database.
Kundera - JPA client with support for HBase.
GeoMesa - Spatial-temporal database with support for Accumulo, HBase, Cassandra, and Kafka.
Gradoop - Research framework for scalable graph analytics built on Flink and HBase.
HGraphDB - HBase as a TinkerPop graph database.
HugeGraph - A graph database that supports more than 10+ billion data, high performance and scalability.
JanusGraph - Scalable graph database with support for Cassandra, HBase, Google Cloud Bigtable, and BerkeleyDB.
NebulaGraph - A high performance distributed Graph database.
S2Graph - High-performance distributed graph database built on HBase.
AntsDB - AntsDB is a low latency, high concurrency, MySQL compliant SQL layer for HBase.
EsgynDB - Commercial SQL engine providing ACID transactions and BI analytics on top of Hadoop, based on Trafodian.
Kylin - Extreme OLAP engine for big data that stores data in HBase.
LeanXScale - Commercial full ACID full SQL product built on Hadoop/HBase.
Phoenix - SQL layer on top of HBase.
Splice Machine - Commercial RDBMS built on top of HBase.
Trafodian - Transactional SQL-on-Hadoop/HBase.
Time Series
Axibase - Distributed time series database built on HBase.
OpenTSDB - Scalable time series database built on HBase.
Warp 10 - Time series database for sensor data.
Secondary Indices
Haeinsa - Multi-row/multi-table transaction library for HBase.
HBase-QoD - Vector-field consistency for HBase fine-grained transactional inter-DC replication.
Omid - Transactional support for HBase.
Tephra - Globally consistent transactions on top of HBase.
Themis - Cross-row/cross-table transactions on HBase based on Google's Percolator.
Apex - Apex-HBase connector.
Beam - Beam HBase integration.
Camel - Camel HBase component.
Cascading - HBase adapters for Cascading.
Cascalog - Wrapper around Cascading.HBase for use in Cascalog.
Crunch - HBase adapters for Crunch.
Drill - HBase storage plugin for Drill.
Elasticsearch - Elasticsearch import river for HBase.
Flink - Flink-HBase connector.
Gearpump - Gearpump integration for HBase.
Giraph - Giraph input and output formats for HBase.
HAWQ - HAWQ PXF external tables on HBase.
Hive - Hive HBase integration.
Impala - Impala support for querying HBase tables.
Kafka - HBase Kafka proxy.
Pig - Pig HBase integration.
Presto - Presto-HBase connector.
Pulsar - HBase connector for Pulsar.
Ranger - HBase plugin for Apache Ranger.
Spark - Spark-HBase connector.
Spring for Apache Hadoop - Spring-Hadoop integration, including HBase support.
Storm - Storm/Trident integration for HBase.
Tajo - Tajo integration with HBase.
Zeppelin - HBase shell interpreter for Apache Zeppelin.
Ambari - Software for provisioning, managing, and monitor Hadoop/HBase clusters.
Cloudera Manager - Tool for managing Hadoop/HBase in production.
DbSchema - Diagram-oriented database designer with support for HBase.
Hannibal - Tool to monitor and maintain HBase clusters.
h-rider - GUI for viewing and manipulating data in HBase.
Hue - Smart analytics workbench that includes an HBase browser.
Sematext SPM - Tool for monitoring HBase, HDFS, etc.
HubSpot HBase support - Configs and tools for HBase at HubSpot, including Hystrix integration and coprocessors.