Curated list of awesome lists
Awesome Real Time Communications 
Protocols and methodology for near simultaneous exchange of media and data.
Server Software
General Purpose
FreeSWITCH - Open source multi-protocol, cross-platform and software switch.
Asterisk - PBX framework supporting multiple protocols and platforms.
SIP Servers
Kamailio - Open source SIP server widely deployed by carriers and providers. Formerly known as OpenSER.
OpenSIPS - Open source SIP server, tracing its roots in OpenSER (presently Kamailio).
Routr - Lightweight SIP proxy, location server, and registrar written in Node.js.
Sippy B2BUA - Back-to-back user agent server written in Python.
Flexisip - SIP server suite comprising proxy, presence and group chat functions.
Janus - Lightweight open source, general purpose, WebRTC gateway.
RTPProxy - General purpose high performance RTP proxy.
RTP:Engine - RTP and UDP based media traffic proxy, usable as a kernel module.
mediasoup - Specialized WebRTC conferencing system.
SEMS - Open source media and application server for SIP based VoIP services.
Jitsi - A collection of RTC open source projects, with a focus on conferencing software.
coturn - Fully featured TURN/STUN server supporting multiple platforms.
STUNTMAN - RFC compliant open source STUN implementation.
sngrep - Terminal based SIP flow viewer.
sipgrep - Console tool for sniffing, capturing and exploring SIP traffic.
rtpbreak - Detect, reconstruct and analyze RTP sessions.
HOMER - Multi-protocol capturing and monitoring framework for RTC.
WebRTC Troubleshooter - Self-hosted one stop client-side WebRTC troubleshooter.
Trickle ICE - Exposes client-side NAT traversal debug data.
SIP3 - VoIP & RTC traffic monitoring and analysis platform.
SIPp - Traffic generator for the SIP protocol.
SIPVicious - Suite of security tools that can be used to audit SIP based VoIP systems.
sipsak - SIP stress and diagnostics utility.
sipexer - Modern and flexible SIP command line tool.
slimswitch - Tooling for creating lean secure FreeSWITCH Docker images.
Web/API Interfaces
Eqivo - Open source programmable-voice/telephony API platform.
Kazoo - Carrier-grade VoIP API platform using FreeSWITCH and Kamailio.
FusionPBX - Multitenant system built on top of FreeSWITCH.
FreePBX - Web Manager for Asterisk.
Fonoster - Telecommunication stack built with Node.js.
Wazo - VoIP API platform built on top of Asterisk, Kamailio and RTPEngine.
jambonz - Open source CPaaS built for communications service providers.
IVOZ Provider - Multitenant solution for VoIP telephony providers.
CGRateS - Carrier grade open source billing/rating server.
A2Billing - Billing system for Asterisk for multiple applications.
PyFreeBilling - Wholesale billing platform for Kamailio and FreeSWITCH.
Developer Resources
JavaScript Libraries
drachtio - Node.js SIP server framework.
adapter.js - JavaScript shim for abstracting WebRTC spec changes and inconsistencies.
JsSIP - Lightweight open source JavaScript SIP library.
sipML5 - Open source JavaScript SIP client with WebRTC media stack.
simple-peer - WebRTC video, voice, and data channels abstraction for Node.js and the browser.
Netflux - Isomorphic JavaScript peer to peer transport API for client and server.
PeerJS - Data and media peer-to-peer connection API implemented over WebRTC.
C/C++ Libraries
libre - Portable SIP Stack along with companion libraries for media handling, STUN/TURN and a modular user agent.
PJSIP - Multi-protocol RTC library written in C.
eXosip - eXtended osip is a mature C library for abstracting the SIP protocol.
libdatachannel - Standalone WebRTC DataChannels C++ implementation.
libSRTP - Secure Real-time Transport Protocol (SRTP) library for C.
usrsctp - Portable Stream Control Transmission Protocol (SCTP) user-land stack.
rawrtc - WebRTC and ORTC library with a small footprint.
OSS Core - General purpose C++ library for Real Time Communications.
Open WebRTC Toolkit - WebRTC development toolkit with bindings for multiple platforms.
Sofia-SIP - Open source SIP library used by FreeSWITCH.
Go Libraries
Pion - Extensive software stack for WebRTC written in Go.
gossip - SIP stack for stateful user agents written in Go.
siprocket - Fast SIP and SDP packet parser.
go-diameter - RFC compliant Diameter protocol library.
PHP Libraries
RTCKit/SIP - RFC 3261 compliant SIP parsing and rendering library for PHP 7.4+.
Python Libraries
aiortc - WebRTC and ORTC implementation for Python using asyncio.
Katari - SIP stack application framework.
peerjs-python - Python port of the PeerJS peer-to-peer connection library.
Erlang Libraries
NkSIP - Extendable SIP server framework.
ersip - Library comprising building blocks for SIP applications.
Rust Libraries
libsip - SIP implementation, with a focus towards softphone clients.
sipcore - Rust framework for creating SIP applications.
rtcrs/webrtc - WebRTC stack, supporting SDP, RTP, RTCP and SRTP.
Dart Libraries
dart-sip-ua - Dart-lang port of JsSIP, capable of SIP over WebSocket.
BlogGeekMe - Blog by Tsahi Levent-Levi with a strong focus on WebRTC.
SIP Adventures - Unified communications blog by Andrew Prokop.
WebRTCHacks - WebRTC blog by independent technologists.
FreeSWITCH Slack - Join #freeswitch and #freeswitch-dev for user and developer support.
discuss-webrtc - Developer oriented Google Group for WebRTC discussions.
ClueCon - Annual conference held in Chicago for telecommunications developers. Birthplace of FreeSWITCH.
Kamailio World - Berlin hosted annual event focused on Kamailio as well as VoIP, WebRTC, IMS, VoLTE and more.
AstriCon - Asterisk focus event held every year across the US.
CommCon - Annual conference held in the UK focused on telecommunications in general and WebRTC in particular.
OpenSIPS Summit - Meeting place for the OpenSIPS community.
Kranky Geek - AI and RTC event in San Francisco.
FOSDEM - Free event for software developers, with a RTC component, held every year in Europe.
JanusCon - JanusCon is a live event for Janus and RTC implementers.
TADHack - Global hackathon focused on programmable communications.
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