Curated list of awesome lists
Awesome Scapy 
A curated list of tools, add-ons, articles or cool exploits using Scapy, the Python-based interactive packet manipulation program & library.
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Tools that use Scapy (a lot) or extend it
pwnagotchi - Your AI pet that hacks WiFI to grow. It's super cute.
ufonet - Create your own botnet to send untraceable DDoS attacks.
trackerjacker - Maps and tracks Wi-Fi networks and devices through raw 802.11 monitoring.
wifiphisher - Create rogue access point.
Chiron - An IPv6 security assessment framework.
mitm6 - Performs MiTM for IPv6.
mtraceroute - Create cool graphs over multiple traceroute analysis.
Network Security Toolkit (NST) - Includes an enhanced version of
with IP Geolocation and GUI management.
netprobify - Network probing tool crafted for datacenters (but not only). Probing using: TCP, UDP or ICMP.
Cotopaxi - Set of tools for security testing of Internet of Things devices using specific network IoT protocols (AMQP, CoAP, DTLS, HTCPCP, KNX, mDNS, MQTT, MQTT-SN, QUIC, RTSP, SSDP) .
project-memoria-detector - Determine whether a network device runs a specific embedded TCP/IP stack.
routopsy - Toolkit to attack DRP & FHRP.
TorPylle - Implementation of the OR (TOR) protocol.
Unit Tests
Linux Kernel - Linux Traffic Control (tc) testing suite.
OpenBSD - IPv6 stack testing suite.
RIOT-OS - RIOT OS networking testing suite.
aioblescan - Scan and decode advertised BLE info.
fenrir - Bypass wired 802.1x protection.
flowsynth - Tool for rapidly modeling network traffic.
Fragscapy - Fuzz network protocols by automating the modification of outgoing network packets.
Habu - Toolkit with a lot of little hacking tools. Many of them use Scapy.
mirage - Powerful and modular framework dedicated to the security analysis of wireless communications.
netenum - A tool to passively discover active hosts on a network.
net-creds - Sniff and catch all sensitive data on an interface.
packetweaver - A Python framework for script filing and task sequencing.
p0f3plus - An implementation of with extra analysis features.
pysap - Interact with SAP using custom built frames & tools.
Responder - LLMNR, NBT-NS and MDNS poisoner.
scapy_unroot - Tooling to use Scapy without root permissions.
scapy-benchmarks - A small test suite that tracks the evolution of Scapy's performance.
sshame - Tool to brute force SSH public-key authentication.
TIDoS Framework - The Offensive Manual Web Application Penetration Testing Framework.
Exploits that use Scapy. This does not count the ones included by default
CVE-2021-28444 - Windows Hyper-V Security Feature Bypass Vulnerability.
CVE-2020-25577 - Bad Neighbor on FreeBSD: IPv6 Router Advertisement Vulnerabilities in rtsold.
CVE-2020-16898 - Beware the Bad Neighbor: Analysis and PoC of the Windows IPv6 Router Advertisement Vulnerability.
CVE-2019-5597 - IPv6 fragmentation vulnerability in OpenBSD Packet Filter.
CVE-2018-4407 - A heap buffer overflow in the networking code in the XNU operating system kernel (iOS and macOS).
krackattacks-scripts - Test if clients or access points (APs) are affected by the KRACK attack against WPA2.
CVE-2016-6366 - The EXTRABACON exploit, a remote code execution for Cisco ASA written by the Equation Group (NSA) and leaked by the Shadow Brokers.
isf - ISF (Industrial Control System Exploitation Framework). A suite that provides exploits various industrial protocols.