Curated list of awesome lists
Awesome Calculators 
A curated list of resources related to calculators!
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Calculator apps:
Numi - Beautiful calculator with great features, including unit & time zone conversion.
Soulver 3 - Smart notepad with a built-in calculator.
Calculator + ƒ - Powerful, extensible calculator for the Mac.
Galculator - GTK 2 / GTK 3 based scientific calculator.
KCalc - Calculator which offers many more mathematical functions than meet the eye on a first glance.
x48 - Emulate the HP48GX/SX, one of the best engineering calculators ever.
Parsify Desktop - Extendable calculator for the 21st Century.
Simple Electron Calculator - Basic, cross-platform calculator made with Electron.
elcalc - Calculator with simple & beautiful interface.
Material Design Calculator - Cross-platform material design calculator.
SpeedCrunch - High-precision scientific calculator featuring a fast, keyboard-driven user interface.
Liri Calculator - Cross-platform, Material Design calculator with all the features you would expect from a modern calculator.
mdlt - Command-line utility for quick math.
calc - Simple, fast and intuitive command-line calculator written in Go.
J# Calculator Barebones - Very simple calculator written in J#. Made as program for J# newcomers to extend and learn from.
Qalculate! - Cross-platform scientific calculator including unit/currency converters.
Wolfram|Alpha - Computational knowledge engine.
Web 2.0 Scientific Calculator - Online calculator, that provides basic and advanced mathematical functions useful for school or college.
Calculator.js - Open-Source, web calculator with beautiful Google Material Design interface.
Notepad Calculator - Calculator with user-friendly, unique notepad interface.
- - Huge collection of various calculators.
- - Open-Source command-line style arbitrary precision calculator with mathematical, scientific, programming functions and more.
Desmos - Online set of tools related to math, including a set of calculators, exams and more.
Geogebra - Free online math tools for graphing, geometry, 3D, and more. Includes interactive graphical calculator.

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